Hi, Iā€™m Ivo Santiago šŸ‘‹
I live in Belo Horizonte, where I code and have fun with Noah.

Based on what I did as a kid, no one would ever expect a carrier in the software industry. I was raised in a small town where I spent most of the time on a farm and didn't have internet access at home until I was 17. Most of my time was around cows, horses, or practicing sports.

When it was time to pick a college major, it came as a surprise to my family me deciding to do computer science. I've played video games and I've been fascinated by technology. How could I not be?

Despite my major, another place I spent a lot of time was the sports center. I've never been fit but the nerd side of physical training fascinated me. I like to try all kinds of sports and I'm always looking for new challenges. My favorites are judo and swimming.

After college, I lived in Dublin, Ireland, for a year. After that I moved to the US for six months and then back to Brazil. I've been here ever since. Today, Iā€™m the father of Noah. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. We have a lot of fun together.